About Pathalizer...
I have just used your tool to analyze the traffic of my page. Your tool is great! -- anon
thanks for the nice pathalizer. After trying [other software like this], I think your software is the best. -- anon
You just saved me a whole lot of time :-) Thanks! -- anon
One of the best free tools to know about your users -- anon
Pathalizer was used in scientific research
Existing web log analysis solutions provide valuable demographics about your web site audience:
where are they from, how did they reach your site, what search terms did they use?
Once on your site, what paths do your users take? Pathalizer gives a birds-eye
view of your users' behaviour, performing a clickstream analysis of the logs.
- Powerful (regex-based) filtering to weed out irrelevant details
- Available on Linux, Windows and MacOS X
- Support for Apache and W3C Extended (as used by IIS) file formats alike
Join the chat at #pathalizer on irc.freenode.net:
The engine driving Pathalizer has been around for a while, but the GUI
is new. Any feedback and bugreports are warmly appreciated! Mail me, or
go to the SourceForge.net page.